Our business
Klipspruit is an opencast mine located 5km from Ogies and Phola Township. The new KPSX Project is situated 7km from Ogies and 2km from Phola. It produces 2.4Mtpa for Eskom, 0.35Mtpa for the domestic market and around 5.1Mtpa of bituminous thermal coal for the export market.
Klipspruit is an opencast mine located 5km from Ogies and Phola Township. The new KPSX Project is situated 7km from Ogies and 2km from Phola. It produces 2.4Mtpa for Eskom, 0.35Mtpa for the domestic market and around 5.1Mtpa of bituminous thermal coal for the export market.
This operation runs multi truck and shovel activities to expose coal with the dragline doing rehabilitation in the main pit, which was mined out in Q2 FY21. Coal is transported by rail to the Richards Bay Coal Terminal (RBCT), and then exported largely to European markets.
Klipspruit employs 1,473 people as at 31 March 2024.
Seriti acquired the colliery from South 32 in June 2021.
Established in 2003, Klipspruit has a life of mine until 2048
ESG statistics
as at 30 October 2022
HDSA female representation
Total ESD spend
R1.9 million
Residential dust fallout exceedances
10 incidents
Land rehabilitated
Average water use efficiency
371 litres
per tonne (litres/RoM)
Awaiting approval on updated SLP from the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy.