Hard hat [icon]
Safety performance of the highest standard, without compromise.


Our safety ambition is to achieve zero fatalities and prevent any life-changing injuries which requires the collaboration of everyone in our organisation, including contractors and business partners.

Our safety ambition is to achieve zero fatalities and prevent any life-changing injuries which requires the collaboration of everyone in our organisation, including contractors and business partners.

Our safety strategy is built upon four foundational pillars: people, systems, learning, and stratified.

  1. People: This pillar focuses on the human element of safety, including training, engagement, and promoting a safety-conscious culture among employees and stakeholders.
  2. Systems: The systems pillar involves the development and implementation of robust safety management systems, procedures, and protocols to identify, assess, and mitigate risks effectively.
  3. Learning: This pillar emphasizes continuous improvement through learning from incidents, near misses, and best practices, fostering a culture of reflection and adaptability to enhance safety performance.
  4. Stratified: The stratified pillar involves stratifying risks and safety measures based on their significance and impact, allowing for targeted and prioritized allocation of resources to address the most critical safety challenges.

Our governance framework addresses key risks and opportunities that arise from our activities while systematically maintaining regulatory compliance. We have aligned our approach to SHE management with our mine operating system, which is a structured method for setting targets, planning, scheduling, executing and improving performance to efficiently, effectively and sustainably achieve our business objectives.

Our SHE management is aligned with the Mine Operating System. This provides a structured approach to how we set targets, plan, schedule, execute and improve work to achieve our business objectives more efficiently, effectively, and sustainably. For both routine and non-routine work, we apply the Six Essentials for Safe Production.

The Six Essentials for Safe Production

  • All activities are rigorously planned and structured to ensure that tasks are completed safely and without harm to our employees.

  • A process is in place to ensure that the correct tools and equipment are available and working at all times.

  • Relevant technical input and oversight are in place to ensure different areas and activities are designed and maintained with safety in mind.

  • Competent supervisors are appointed and adequately equipped to actively participate in the risk management process so that tasks are performed safely and efficiently.

  • A formal systemic change management process is in place to ensure changes are appropriately identified, recognised, assessed, communicated and executed.

  • We ensure a trained and competent workforce – employees are equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to demonstrate commitment to zero harm in every task.

We closely monitor high potential hazards (HPHs) and high potential incidents (HPIs) as leading indicators in pursuit of zero harm.



(2023: 0.29)

per 200,000 hours worked

* total recordable case frequency rate



(2023: 41)

Our Zivikele Pledges

In addition to the Six Essentials, we developed — through extensive consultation — a set of rules we commit to, own, and abide by.

rule 1 I will never enter the workplace under the influence of alcohol or drugs
rule 2 I will never remove, bypass, tamper or interfere with any safety devices
rule 3 I will always follow the isolation, lock-out and test procedure for all forms of energy
rule 4 I will never enter or allow anyone to enter an unsupported or unsafe working area
rule 5 I will not work above 2m without attaching my fall restraint or safety harness
rule 6 I will never operate a machine for which I am not licensed